ESTD 2020



My articles

Princess Core

Princess Core

August 31, 20231 min read

Warrior princess

Even when we don't feel like royalty physically, we are royalty in Gods eyes because we are children of the most high king. Which makes us inherited Princesses & Prince's!!

We aren't mere wanderers, but cherished members of God's royal family, intricately woven into celestial tapestry. Inherited with divine grace (Ephesians 1:5), we're entrusted with profound purpose. Our kindness and love resonate cosmically, a testament to our lineage (1 John 4:7-8).

With humility as our crown and empathy as our scepter, we transcend earthly limits. As God's family, we radiate unity, reflecting our Creator's image. Every action, a ripple in eternity, reminding us of our sacred gift. Embracing our heritage, we illuminate the world, reigning through compassionate hearts.\

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